19.1.2011 is the day!! This day is coming! my gosshh! I'm so excited!!
I'll put this on and go to the college, no need fat mou at home!
YES!! I'm now a college student.. clap ur hands! * pak pak pak
oshh!! But the only bad thing is I need to sleep early, wake up early..
aiikkss.. I'm going to be super duper hyper BZ now..
Because I'm going to shift ^^v Need to clean up my room here and there
Need to throw things that I dont need & sad memories, new life starts!!
& also need to learn how to use new high tech things that papa just bought
Can use TV to on9!! cool man!
I'll suite myself in new year, new life, new hse and new college~
I'll buy some new clothes, new shoes and new bags to form a brand new me~ =P
naahhh.. it's just an excuse =P
GOD bless me~ Happy everyday XD
GOD bless my family and friends~ Happy Happy Happy!!
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